New SAT Guide, 1st Edition

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Table of Contents


Chapter 1: Introduction

pg 3
pg 5
pg 15

Section 1: How to Use this Book
Section 2: About the SAT - Preview
Section 3: Approaching the SAT

Chapter 2: Reading

pg 29
pg 33
pg 72
pg 108
pg 152
pg 190
pg 218
pg 240

Section 1: Introduction to the Reading Test
Section 2: Approaching the Reading Test - Preview
Section 3: SAT Passage Types
Section 4: Understanding the Facts
Section 5: Persuasive Language
Section 6: Combining Ideas
Section 7: Reading and Vocabulary Lists
Practice Section

Chapter 3: Writing

pg 257
pg 262
pg 283
pg 335
pg 375

Section 1: Introduction to the Writing Test
Section 2: Approaching the Writing Test        
Section 3: SAT Grammar - Preview
Section 4: Expressing Ideas
Practice Section

Chapter 4: Essay

pg 387
pg 391
pg 401
pg 423
pg 437

Section 1: Introduction to the SAT Essay
Section 2: Approaching the Essay        
Section 3: Analyzing an Argument
Section 4: Essay Rubric and Examples - Preview
Section 5: Sample SAT Essay Prompts

Chapter 5: Math

Section 1: Introduction to the Math Test
Section 2: Approaching the Math Test
Section 3: Fundamental Math Review
Section 4: Heart of Algebra
Section 5: Passport to Advanced Math - Preview
Section 6: Problem Solving and Data Analysis
Section 7: Additional Topics
SAT Math Practice Test (Calculator)
SAT Math Practice Test (No-Calculator)

pg 451
pg 455
pg 482
pg 508
pg 587
pg 647
pg 735
pg 809
pg 822

Chapter 6: Practice Tests

pg 831
pg 833
pg 887

Section 1: Taking Practice Tests
Practice Test 1
Practice Test 2